Cork Street Closings
Cork Street Tavern will remain closed until Monday, August 16, 2021. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause however, we remain committed to putting the safety of our patrons and employees above all else. Please visit our website again for further updates and we thank you for your patience and understanding.
We're Excited for Stanley Cup Finals With the Caps
Our awesome Caps crowd after the amazing win over Tampa Bay in game 7! Thanks to Jen Barr for the amazingly timed video!
Roof Renovation is nearly complete!
We've come a long way but we still have a ways to go! Thanks for your continued
support and patronage of our west side in the meantime!
Hard at work
Anthony, Anthony Jr, Terry, and staff have been putting in some hard time to get our old side back to us as quickly and efficiently as possible!
Shown here is the progress of our service station started anew from replacing the floor trusses to new plumbing and wall trusses!
Christmas Parade
Stop in tonight, November 28th, and grab some to-go Hot Chocolate or dinner before/after the Christmas Parade tonight! Parade starts at 7pm with the tree lighting directly after. Dress warm!
(Photo courtesy of Old Town Winchester)
Renovations Are Underway...
Here are some photos from our recent work on the old side after the fire!